When you’re in trouble, you need the strongest lawyer on your side. Cirno’s Perfect Defense is here for you! Whether it’s underdog tengu or secret gods, she’s on the case! Fees start at a measly ¥9,999,999.99! The perfect price for the perfect defense!

Turnabout is the rudest card we’ve made. The timing on it is a bit weird, it’s after the main step. This is the perfect opportunity to unleash your plan and catch your opponents off guard: when it’s too late for them to do anything about it!
You can do one of two things with Turnabout. You can defend yourself from Mobs about to attack you and your allies, or you can use it to turn an Assist Character against the player who controls them. (As if Tewi was on anyone but her own side to begin with…)
Because we love this art so much, we’re getting XL mousepads of it made! If you want one, you can pre-order it below!