Hello Danmaku!! Fans!! *Queen Wave*
Today I bring you two Very Rude cards. Tojiko and Medicine!
As midbosses, Tojiko and Medicine demand you defeat them in combat before you earn their friendship. However once violently befriended they offer some great benefits.
Tojiko, as a vengeful spirit, controls electricity and is really good at breaking things. (Seems to be a theme with the Taoists 🤔)
As a midboss, if you’re hit by her attack you discard your best item instead of a Powerup. Oof.
As an Assist Character, Tojiko gives you access to a 1/round Seal Away! Since Assists can’t be canceled she really helps cracking the shell of those annoying turtlers.
Medicine’s title is “Little Sweet Poison” and she earns that distinction.
As a midboss, if Medicine isn’t defeated the current player discards a card from their hand. Nothing can stop this.
As an Assist Character, Medicine gives you the ability to Sweet Poison someone. This allows them to draw 3(!!) cards but they take 1 damage in return. You can’t use it to kill someone, but you *can* target yourself with it. She’s really great for those of you who consider Life a resource. HP: You only need 1!