Card Symbols
The symbols on the side of the rule frame indicate the kind of card it is. Some cards can have multiple types.
Action cards
Action cards must be played on your turn, when no other card is waiting to be resolved.
Reaction cards
Reaction cards can only be played when the card specifies. Usually this is in response to another card.
Permanent cards
Permanent cards remain on the table when played. You can only put permanent cards in play on your turn, when no other card is waiting to be resolved.
Spell cards
Spell cards allow a player to invoke a character’s Spell Card ability. Some characters’ Spell Cards are actions, while others are reactions. You may only use those Spell Cards at the appropriate time.
Players may only activate one Spell Card per round. Once you activate a Spell Card, you may not activate another one until the start of your next turn. This is true even if the Spell Card was cancelled. However, you may still use the “Bomb Cancel” half of a Bomb card to cancel a Danmaku or Spell Card.
Every character has an ability. The ability is in the top box on the character card, denoted with the Ability symbol. Abilities are always in effect.
Danmaku cards
Danmaku cards allow a player to attack another player. These are denoted by the Danmaku symbol. By default, players may only play one Danmaku card per round. Once you play a Danamku card, you may not play another until the start of your next turn. This is true even if the Danmaku card was avoided or cancelled.
Some cards, such as Power, increase the number of Danmaku cards a player can play per round. Once in play, the increase takes effect immediately. If the card is lost, the limit is reduced immediately.
Dodge cards
Dodge cards allow a player to avoid attacks. There is no limit the number of dodge cards a player can play, but some cards have extra effects when interacting with Dodge cards.
Shield cards
Shields are a kind of permanent card. Players may only have one shield at a time. If a player ever has two shields, they must immediately choose and discard one.
Artifact cards
Artifacts are the most powerful permanent cards. Players may only have one artifact at a time. If a player ever has two artifacts, they must immediately choose and discard one.