This release builds upon the 1.1 release to further clarify questions we get all the time. It includes major changes to what we call Chain Spell Cards (Reisen, Rin, Ran, Satori) and further rulings on the new Mobs deck. The update can be found here.
Any Time
This is something some of you have wanted for awhile. A chart detailing when “any time” cards can be played.
- You can use Kanako’s Ability to manipulate the deck before a Lily White flip.
- You can respond to triggers created by other effects during incidents, such as Ichirin activating her Spell Card when someone draws cards for losing life to Lily White.
- You can’t reveal your role as Eiki or EX Boss during a Crisis of Faith when you’re about to swap roles with the Heroine.
Chain Spell Cards
This affects Satori, Reisen, Ran, and Rin.
Characters no longer activate Spell Cards as part of Spell Cards. Instead they perform the effects of the referenced spell cards, and optionally gain its properties. This removes the question of if a character is activating a second Spell Card. Shinmyoumaru is now the only character who can do so.
Properties include cancelability and if you meet requirements to activate the Spell Card. If a Spell Card requires you to be a certain character (Seija, Ran, Rin), having that character as an Extra Character counts for this purpose. If chaining Spell Cards results in multiple character requirements, you must meet all of them to activate the Spell Card. I do not believe this is possible but I am answering the question preemptively.
Spell Card special activation
We made a big decision here, mostly surrounding Miko. If you gain an alternate Spell Card activation method like Miko does, and that method references that Spell Card by name, you do not need to have access to that Spell Card, it’s part of the alternate activation.Mob Interactions
Several minor clarifications were made to how Mobs interact with other aspects of the game and one major one. These are on the relevant cards.Mobs are not affected by incidents unless explicitly mentioned
Mobs are not considered for Crisis of Faith, Voyage to Makai, Dream World, etc. 100% Psycho Mob, Restless Spirits, etc do affect Mobs because they explicitly say they do. Version 1.1 Base and Lunatic Extra incidents have had their wording updated, and the Mobs manual will have this rule for backwards compatibility.Mob Abilities
We are still working on the rules for Mob Abilities. For now, Koishi cannot gain Mob Abilities or cause Mobs to lose them.Full Changelog
- Changes to the standard format for having one spell card invoke another spell card. This affects Satori, Reisen, Ran, and Rin.
- Reisen’s Spell Card only works on Action cards and Spell Cards. She gets unlimited do-overs
- Eirin’s gifts are limited to once each turn.
- Shinmyoumaru: Specifically referenced the other card by card subtitle.
- Doremy: Changed from “start of draw step” to “on another player’s draw step.” Functionality has not changed.
- Futo: Can only swap hands of non-Mob players.
- Changed “They can’t avoid this attack” to “This attack can’t be avoided” (Remilia, Laser shot)
- Added “active player” to most incidents where it made sense.
- Changed “Resolve this incident” to “This incident resolves”
- Removed the spell card timing reminder text from Capture Spell Card
- Changed “This doesn’t count against your Danmaku limit” to “This card ignores Danmaku limits” for both cards and passive abilities
- Added reminder text to Kyouko and Decoy Doll to clarify “declaring an attack”
- Renamed “Fairy” to “Small Fairy”
- Clarified on Mai & Satono who decides which card to put into the encounter area
- Maid Fairy item destruction is now optional
- Voyage to Makai specifically states “non-Mob players”
- Only Satori can activate her Spell Card