Let’s talk about dreams. It’s important to have dreams, to desire to be the best version of yourself. I wanted to move out of Oklahoma and I’ve done that. I’m back now to clean up the loose ends, but the fam is all moved, yay me!
In Danmaku!! dreams, haven’t you ever wanted your opponent to do just *that one thing*? Well now you can! Just play as Doremy, the Ruler of Dreams, and you can make *your* dreams come true by controlling the dreams of your enemies. “As an action” means you can only do it on your turn, and if you don’t use your own card they get to draw a new one. What combos can you set up with this?
Doremy’s Spell Card, Dream Catcher, does exactly what it says: Captures the hopes and dreams of another player’s draw step and gives you control over them. Will you use it to smugly annoy an enemy, or signal your intentions to an ally? 😏
What are your Danmaku!! dreams?
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Cirno’s Perfect Defense
When you’re in trouble, you need the strongest lawyer on your side. Cirno’s Perfect Defense is here for you! Whether it’s underdog tengu or secret gods, she’s on the case! Fees start at a measly ¥9,999,999.99! The perfect price for the perfect defense!
Turnabout is the rudest card we’ve made. The timing on it is a bit weird, it’s after the main step. This is the perfect opportunity to unleash your plan and catch your opponents off guard: when it’s too late for them to do anything about it!
You can do one of two things with Turnabout. You can defend yourself from Mobs about to attack you and your allies, or you can use it to turn an Assist Character against the player who controls them. (As if Tewi was on anyone but her own side to begin with…)
Because we love this art so much, we’re getting XL mousepads of it made! If you want one, you can pre-order it below!
Today I bring you two Very Rude cards. Tojiko and Medicine!
As midbosses, Tojiko and Medicine demand you defeat them in combat before you earn their friendship. However once violently befriended they offer some great benefits.
Tojiko, as a vengeful spirit, controls electricity and is really good at breaking things. (Seems to be a theme with the Taoists 🤔)
As a midboss, if you’re hit by her attack you discard your best item instead of a Powerup. Oof.
As an Assist Character, Tojiko gives you access to a 1/round Seal Away! Since Assists can’t be canceled she really helps cracking the shell of those annoying turtlers.
Medicine’s title is “Little Sweet Poison” and she earns that distinction.
As a midboss, if Medicine isn’t defeated the current player discards a card from their hand. Nothing can stop this.
As an Assist Character, Medicine gives you the ability to Sweet Poison someone. This allows them to draw 3(!!) cards but they take 1 damage in return. You can’t use it to kill someone, but you *can* target yourself with it. She’s really great for those of you who consider Life a resource. HP: You only need 1!
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Mutiny of Belittled Spirits Episode 7: Combine! Light Fairies!
Last week we talked about generic fairies in Mutiny of Belittled Spirits, so this week let’s talk about some stronger fairies, the fairies of light.
These three Mid-bosses all have multi-hit attack patterns. They attack the current player and someone else. This is designated with the icons next to their Mid-boss type, as well as in their Mob rules text. Star bears extra mentioning, as she attacks 3 players total if you have an odd number of players, sometimes this means it’s more optimal to leave her alive! Star has a very high kill count in testing!
As Assist Characters, the light fairies have a previously unseen mechanic. All of them modify your next Danmaku card. Luna makes it unavoidable, Star grants it 2 additional targets, and Sunny adds +1 damage to each hit. If you manage to get all 3 you can toss out a 3 target Shoot that does 6 damage total and it completely unavoidable! This is a lot harder to pull off than it sounds though, so good luck you visionaries!
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Get you a girl who can do it all. If you can’t find one, get a bunch of smol girls who can do it all.
There are a lot of fairies in Gensokyo, a lot. Child-like embodiments of nature that love mischief and cosplay, fairies are the most common enemy in Touhou so we wanted them to be well represented in Danmaku!! Mutiny of Belittled Spirits.
We’re all familiar with the famous ones with ZUNlish names like Cirno, Sunny Milk, Eternity Larva and Clownpiece. This post isn’t about those fairies. This post is about the nameless fairies routinely blasted out of the sky by bullies heroines. There are 4 generic fairy types in Danmaku!! The basic Fairy, the helpful Maid Fairy, the spooky Zombie Fairy, and the powerful Sunflower Fairy. Let’s take a look at them.
“Pumpkin Spice Lattes are good, you guys are just mean.”
Fairy is the weakest and the Mob you will see the most, because Fairy respawns every single turn once she’s out. There are four Fairy cards in the deck, creating an escalation effect where you have a 25%, 50%, 75%, and then 100% chance of taking an attack at the end of your turn. A Fairy in your hand simply lets you draw a card. Effectively you’re trading an attack and possibly a Danmaku usage for a draw.
Some of you may notice that Fairy now attacks on a Season flip. We’re continually testing MoBS and discovered that just flipping was simpler than matching your character’s Season.
“I want Boba…”
Maid Fairy is about as simple as Fairy. She goes down in one hit and then allows you to force a player to clean their room discard an item and some cards in hand. Discarding down to 3 cards doesn’t do much most of the time, but it can really hose someone who is turtling. Note that Assist Characters are also considered Items for the game rules, implying a darker role for the Scarlet Devil Mansion’s cleaners!
“Dr Pepper is the drink of intellectuals”
Zombie Fairy is like Point of Collection but for Mobs. Use her to to Zombify another Mob and make that Mob work for you. There’s a mortgage joke in here somewhere…
“Oh hey, Sunny D!”
Sunflower Fairy does her best and gives you a choice of some of your favorites! As a Small-Fry with a choice of great effects, she is your gatcha rare drop. Don’t expect it to be that easy though, other players may save Sunflower Fairy just to keep you from getting that benefit.
All these fairies need someone to guide them, someone to look up to as a big sister, someone great…
Daiyousei is the Mid-boss Fairy in the Mob deck. When she’s encountered she brings another Fairy along with her, immediately escalating the chance you’ll get a Fairy attack by 25%. As a Mid-boss she always attacks during the Mob Attack step as well, so you’re looking at 1.25 damage on average because of her.
As an Assist Character, Daiyousei summons more Mobs and allows you to take any of the above fairies into your hand without having to defeat them. With the fairies on your side, you’ll find that there’s great strength in numbers!