Card name:
Last Word
Main deck
Point value:
Card types:
Action, Danmaku
Attack all other players, regardless of range.
By default you can only play one Danmaku card per round.
By default you can only play one Danmaku card per round.
Card FAQ and errata
- If Last Word is canceled (such as with a Bomb card), it cancels the attacks against all players. Any players that had played a Dodge card in response to Last Word may take those cards back.
- Konpaku Youmu does not get a free attack from her Ability when she plays Last Word.
- If Reisen Udongein Inaba plays Last Word and one or more players avoid an attack, Reisen may attack one player in range. This can be a player who was attacked by Last Word, whether they avoided the attack or not, as long as it is not the only player who had avoided an attack.
- If Reisen Udongein Inaba uses Lunatic Red Eyes to cancel and copy Last Word, she must attack all other players, regardless of range.
- Shameimaru Aya can use her Ability to cancel Last Word just like any other Danmaku card.